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Educational Programs

Gopal conducts educational programs including interactive talks, workshops, seminars, conferences, consultancies. All these programs are invitations to awaken or (renew) a sustained passion for teaching, parenting, education, and life.

Who is this for?

Schools, Teachers, Teacher apprentices, Administrators, Teacher educators, Students, Homeschoolers, Unschoolers, Parents and other educators.

Sample Presentations, Workshops, and Conferences

Forthcoming: Organizer and presenter at education collaboration with Profs. Eleanor Duckworth (Harvard, Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education), Peter Senge (MIT, Systems Awareness), and Mitch Resnick (MIT, Coding and Lifelong Kindergarten).

Nov. 2019: Invited Keynote Speaker on Re-wilding Learning, In Bloom Conference on Nature-Based Education, Antioch University, Santa Barbara.

2018: Invited Speaker on Re-wilding Learning at the Centre for Responsible Management, Business School. University of Winchester, UK.

2018: Guest Lecturer: (1) Starting school from scratch, Global Studies and Education course; (2) The cultural grammar of schooling, Culture and Education course; (3) Exploring progressive education with an activity, Progressive Education Course; and (4) Towards a negational ethic in education, talk for education faculty and students. University of Winchester, UK.

2018: Invited Keynote Speaker on Disrupting Teacherly Conduct at a conference on Alternative Ways Of Educating Teachers To Educate Children Differently: What do curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy look like when ‘done differently’?  BERA [British Educational Research Association] (SIG) Conference, London.

2017:   Selected Speaker at the Telegraph Education Festival (UK), on Transformative Teaching for Transformative Learning.

2015: Conference organizer and co-presenter with Prof. Eleanor Duckworth (Harvard University), Educational Conference on Another Learning Is Possible, University of Winchester, UK.

2013-2014: Conference organizer and co-presenter with Prof. Eleanor Duckworth (Harvard), Conference on Mind, Society, and Transformative Education Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, India, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, and Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan.

2013: Conference organizer and co-presenter, Educational Conference on When is Teaching? with Prof. Eleanor Duckworth (Harvard), Brockwood Park School, UK.

2010:  Sponsored Presenter, Educating the Educator: a report of the Teaching Academy 2009, Being Alive to Responsible Citizenship: J. Krishnamurti and the Challenge for Education, Symposium, University of Delhi, India.

2010: Presenter, The School-in-a-Box model for Designing Authentic Learning Environments, Authentic Learning, Symposium, San Roque Research Institute, Santa Barbara, California, USA.

2008: Presenter, Co-creating a culturally embedded mindful engagement with literacy. Writing studies colloquium, UCSB.

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